Community Partner Spotlight

Annie Hurst with Annie Jean Photography

What is your background and how did you develop the skills to start your business? 

“A little bit about myself and how I got here…I worked in Corporate America as an Executive Assistant for 12 years. After exiting that world to be a stay-at-home mommy, I found myself looking for a creative outlet. I decided to start a children’s clothing boutique. Crazy enough, that’s what lead me to photography! I needed images for my website for my boutique so I nervously picked up our “fancy” DSLR and fiddled around with the software I had purchased with my employee discount before leaving Adobe. Yep, I said Adobe, the creators of Photoshop. Ha! Funny how one thing leads you to another, isn’t it? I’m now five years into photography. I’ve learned from some of the industry’s finest via in-person workshops, online workshops, and tutorials. It’s been such a fun ride. ”

What inspires your work and what sets you apart from everyone else? 

“I’m willing to try new things. I don’t put myself into a box.”

What do you enjoy most about what you do? 

“The variety, the creative outlet, capturing moments.”

What’s the nicest thing a customer has ever said to you about your products/service? 

“I’m crying.”

What do you enjoy most about your partnership with the UDA? 

“I love that we can work hand-in-hand with mothers who entrust the doulas in helping bring newborns into the world and the photographers capturing those once-in-a-lifetime moments.”

What’s something we might be surprised to learn about you?

“I went paragliding in Switzerland!”


  1. Annie on January 6, 2020 at 9:05 am

    Thank you for featuring me!